Alwaleed Philanthropies "Global" supports the Multaka-Oxford initiative to promote tolerance and demonstrate the values of Islamic art and culture

2021- 2026
Oxford, UK
Total Beneficiaries
11,656 individuals completed museum tours by Multaka guides.
2023 Beneficiaries
- 8,147 Individuals completed museum tours by Multaka guides.
- Currently 83 active volunteers are supported.
- 5,559 visitors to the museums and attended Multaka events.
- 225 school children have engaged in Multaka workshops.
In partnership with
Alwaleed Philanthropies “Global” supports the Multaka-Oxford initiative, an extraordinary community and heritage project that has gained widespread recognition for its role in creating volunteering opportunities and fostering cultural exchange among diverse communities in Oxford. By utilising museums as a "meeting point," the project aims to bring people together, including newly settling families and refugees, to promote understanding, tolerance, and appreciation of art, culture, and science.
Building Bridges Through Art, Culture, and Science: Multaka-Oxford's Vision
The primary objectives of Multaka-Oxford are to strengthen community bonds, bridge cultures, and enhance understanding through various artistic, cultural, and scientific activities. Additionally, the project seeks to support and empower volunteers by providing them with opportunities to share and develop their skills, enriching their lives and opening doors to new prospects. Furthermore, Multaka-Oxford aims to deepen the interpretation and understanding of the Islamic world, both within the United Kingdom and on a global scale.
Multaka-Oxford is an ongoing project that spans from 2021 to 2026 and is based in the vibrant city of Oxford, United Kingdom.
Transforming Lives In-Person and Digitally
The impact of Multaka-Oxford can be seen through its in-person and digital reach. Up to date, 8,147 individuals have benefitted from the project's in-person activities, with 5,559 participants engaged in 2023 alone.
Celebrating Achievements and Strengthening Connections in 2023
In 2023, Multaka-Oxford celebrated significant achievements that furthered its mission of strengthening community bonds and promoting cultural understanding. The Multaka Program witnessed great success, as the team successfully trained 83 dedicated volunteers who play an integral role in the project's initiatives and activities. These passionate individuals contribute their skills and knowledge to enrich the experiences of participants. Furthermore,there was a focus on upcoming generations by providing workshops to 225 school children. These events serve as vibrant platforms for cultural exchange, fostering connections within the community and embracing diversity.
Success Stories
Changing Lives
Hussein Kara Ahmed, who was forced to leave his home in Syria while preparing to study law at university, moved to Oxford in 2018. A contact at a local community organisation suggested he get involved in Multaka-Oxford. After eight months of volunteering, he felt confident enough to apply for a job and was fortunately employed part-time as a Visitor Services Assistant at the Ashmolean Museum.
Hussein felt that the project helped to create a sense of intercultural understanding between those volunteering and visiting the museums. He appreciated how people in Oxford respected his language and cultural background, and it helped him feel more connected to the community. He says: “People here respect my language, respect where I come from. They like to hear about different cultures, and that’s been very encouraging. It has really helped me to feel part of this community.”