Abbas Khawari, an 11-year-old Afghan boy, is currently residing in the Eleonas refugee camp in Greece. He participated in the FutbolNet program launched by Barca Foundation and showed remarkable improvement in his behaviour. Initially, he struggled with anger and aggressive behaviour, especially when he lost or felt inadequate during the program.

However, through persistence and one-on-one conversations, his coach helped boost his confidence and self-esteem, and Abbas began to feel secure and appreciated within the team.

His coach expressed: “I can confidently say that he has shown a significant improvement in his behaviour since the beginning of our FutbolNet program, in September of 2021. Initially, he exhibited outbursts of anger with aggressive behaviour, even at the expense of other children in the group, when he was losing or felt he was not doing something well and created disturbances in the flow of the lesson.” As a result, he now enjoys the program's activities, manages conflicts with teammates, and expresses gratitude when he likes something. His progress is a testament to the positive impact of the FutbolNet program on refugee children's mental and emotional well-being.