Fostering Vision 2030: Uniting Forces for Cultural Enrichment and National Development in Saudi Arabia

- 30 direct artisans - 210 indirect artisans
- 10 Saudi trainers
- 2000 products
In partnership with
As part of notable efforts towards achieving cooperation and integration between government entities, the private sector, and the voluntary sector, a project with a strategic vision has been launched aiming to achieve ambitious goals outlined in Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030. By focusing precisely on the areas of expertise of each party, this unique partnership aims to enhance national development within the framework of culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
This alliance between the Ministry of Culture and the Alwaleed Philanthropies represents a commitment to fostering cultural convergence and promoting civilizational harmony.
Cultivating Cooperation for Cultural Flourish
The heart of this endeavor lies in a collaborative effort to synchronize objectives between the two entities, propelling the expansion and enhancement of the cultural sector at large. The endeavor encompasses multifaceted dimensions, including the creation of promising avenues for skill development among cultural practitioners. By broadening their horizons and nurturing their creative spirit, this partnership aspires to kindle the production of cultural works that hold great promise. Furthermore, a key facet of this collaboration is the creation,
Project Objectives: Strengthening Cultural Bonds
This multifaceted endeavor embarks on scholarly exploration, delving into the realms of data exchange, research, and cultural studies, with esteemed institutions such as Oxford, Berlin, and Harvard lending their expertise. These partnerships spark a global exchange of intellect that enriches the discourse surrounding culture.
At the project's core is a resounding impact on artisans, the skillful custodians of cultural heritage. Through skill enhancement, elevated production, and strategic marketing, artisans experience a comprehensive empowerment, showcased in the limelight of events and exhibitions that illuminate their creativity and legacy.
The initiative's focal point revolves around nurturing cultural talents and capacities, a collective effort culminating in training programs, business incubators, and specialized workshops that orchestrate the flourishing of small-scale cultural ventures.
Weaving a vibrant tapestry of collaboration, this venture capitalizes on the dynamic synergy formed among prominent partners:
- Aseer Development Authority
- Heritage Commission
- Ministry of Culture
- Jordan River Foundation
Realising the Vision: Milestones and Achievements
In 2023, Through our partnership with the Heritage Authority achieved numerous accomplishments. A field visit to Abu Malha Palace was conducted in collaboration with a team from the Ministry of Culture. Successfully, a contract for the operation of Abu Malha Palace was signed, the completion of engineering plans was accomplished through the efforts of the Heritage Authority team. In another step forward, all contracts with the Jordan River and operating entities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were addressed.
These achievements stand as a strong indicator of their steadfast commitment to enriching culture and advancing towards realizing the cultural vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.