2023-01-012 Years
Supporting a Healthier Environment

Revolutionizing Textile Waste Management: The Circular Textiles Waste Management (CTWM) Model


India, Kerala


2023 - 2025

2023 Beneficiaries
  • 70,000 kilos of recycled waste
  • 350 waste collectors were supported
In partnership with

Embarking on a transformative journey, Alwaleed Philanthropies "Global" spearheads the Circular Textiles Waste Management (CTWM) Model in collaboration with Enviu and CAIF, alongside co-funders and partners IKEA Foundation and H&M Foundation. This groundbreaking initiative aims to revolutionize textile waste management, reclaiming value from discarded textiles while fostering sustainable practices and empowering communities.

Aims to progress


The CTWM Model, operating in Kerala, India, from 2023 to 2025, is driven by a set of ambitious goals. CAIF endeavors to establish a practical CTWM Model, create a nationwide policy for textile waste management, and establish material recovery facilities (MRFs) to empower waste pickers to own and operate these facilities, thus creating waste micro-enterprises.


Concurrently, Enviu focuses on building ventures that participate in CTWM, creating scalable business models for long-lasting impact, and accelerating two ventures dedicated to textile waste management.

Driving Positive Change


Under CAIF's guardianship, 143 waste workers have been employed in waste collection and segregation, with 197 workers benefiting from capacity-building training. Additionally, the establishment of a Textile Recovery Facility (TRF) marks a pivotal step towards efficient textile waste management. Notably, the initiative has empowered eight women-led Self-Help Groups (SHGs) to operate as waste micro-enterprises, fostering economic independence and gender empowerment.


Meanwhile, Enviu's efforts have resulted in the diversion of five tonnes of linen waste from landfills, mitigating environmental degradation. Moreover, five waste workers have been employed at hotels, expanding opportunities for waste collection beyond traditional centers and landfills, thus furthering the project's impact and outreach.

Looking Ahead

As this project continues its journey, it remains committed to its mission of transforming textile waste management, creating sustainable livelihoods, and driving positive change in communities. With innovative solutions and collaborative efforts, Alwaleed Philanthropies "Global" and partners strive to pave the way for a more sustainable and inclusive future in the realm of waste management and beyond.