Alwaleed Philanthropies “Global” Announces Strategic Partnership with Save the Children to Bolster the Ejada Program in Jordan

Alwaleed Philanthropies “Global,” chaired by HRH Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Al Saud, has announced its strategic partnership with the Ejada program, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at transforming education for vulnerable children in Jordan. In operation since 2019, the Ejada program is led by Save the Children and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab (J-WEL). It is implemented in collaboration with the Jordanian Ministry of Education, and in partnership with Community Jameel and Dubai Cares. Eajda program, which Alwaleed Philanthropies joined in 2023, is designed to address the challenges posed by an overburdened education system due to the protracted refugee crisis in Jordan.

Ejada also represents a significant breakthrough in enabling educators and learners as agents of positive change across Jordan. By focusing on teaching practices that foster innovation, creativity, and new technology, the program aims to enhance the learning outcomes and well-being of children in public schools in Jordan and unlock their full potential. At its core, Ejada embodies a pioneering educational model that delivers sustainable Teacher Professional Development (TPD) courses. The program prioritizes the holistic well-being of educators and children through collaboration, innovation, and evidence-based methodologies. Accredited by the Ministry of Education (MOE), Ejada has been seamlessly integrated into the national professional development curriculum and is poised to expand its reach both within Jordan and beyond, encompassing developmental and humanitarian contexts. Employing human-centered design-thinking principles, Ejada has curated courses aimed at fostering innovation, creativity, and enhanced well-being among educators. Since its inception in 2019, Ejada has achieved significant milestones:
Tailored Professional Development Courses for Educators: Ejada has developed 11 specialized TPD courses designed to empower educators and stimulate creativity within school clusters, thereby elevating educational standards.
Impactful Implementation: To date, the program has successfully delivered TPD courses to more than 1,700 Ministry of Education (MoE) teachers and extended guidance to over 160 MoE education supervisors. Consequently, more than 28,000 children have directly benefited from enriched learning environments conducive to their holistic development.
Evidence-Based Practices: Employing a rigorous clustered randomized controlled trial (cRCT) design, Ejada's impact evaluation study revealed a significant improvement in teacher knowledge and attitudes across various teaching competencies. The results showcased Ejada's positive impact on teaching practices, making classes more engaging, relevant, creative, and supportive of student well-being. Moreover, the program has been effective in reducing teachers’ stress levels. Teachers, key stakeholders in Ejada’s transformative journey, praised the program’s content and delivery methods as exceptionally effective. These findings will serve as a compass for future interventions, ensuring continuous improvement for both educators and students alike. A key recommendation of the study emphasis on the need to scale up Ejada program to all schools and teachers in Jordan.

HRH Princess Lamia bint Majed Al Saud, Secretary-General of Alwaleed Philanthropies, remarked, "Ejada Program epitomizes our unwavering commitment to enriching education and nurturing future leaders. Through strategic alliances and innovative methodologies, we endeavor to lay the groundwork for a more prosperous future."
Dr. Itaf AlAwawdeh, Ejada Program Director and Chief of Party at Save the Children Jordan, stated, "By fostering strategic partnerships and embracing innovative approaches, Ejada is committed to transforming education and ensuring equal access to quality learning for all children, especially the most vulnerable.”