Every year 70,000 Saudis die from smoking related diseases. In addition, while 19.8% of adults choose to smoke, a much higher percentage of passive smokers was forced to pay the price.

WINA 2022
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The situation
Alwaleed Philanthropies with The Saudi Ministry of Health joined the forces to make a positive change and limit the smoking danger around the country aiming to achieve 120,000 visits to smoking cessation clinics in 2021.
How we see it
We launched a campaign about breathing. A movement Saudi millennials were encouraged to join, to take back an urgent right to breathe.
1- Over a duration of 10 days, the bubble man appeared on newly created social accounts and in popular spots around the country- creating social buzz such as show him in different crowded places and on digital.
2- For one month, he demonstrated the danger millennials could not see and educated Saudi millennials. Every time encouraging smokers to book an appointment to get the help they needed to breathe.
The campaign made headlines and was featured for over a total of 20 hours of airtime on National Television.
We overachieved our objectives of visits to smoking cessation clinics, reaching 120,243 visitors in 2021. Moreover, double the visits in June vs. any previous month at 24,000 visits vs, an average of 12,700 in all previous months.
The percentage of adult’s smokers who successfully quit jumped from an average of 12.1% to 26.8% in 2021.
The campaign won WINA 2022 award
The campaign become so popular, producing massive interactions on social media platforms:
210K+ App downloads.
1.4M interactions.
2.3M snapchat impressions.
10,859 shares on social media and WhatsApp.
35K+ Snapchat swipes up.